Love Pure Body Oils

By Delores AAS, BS, MSc

We hope everyone had a fabulous Valentines Day! I just wanted to send an update that we now have these scented body oils back in stock:   For Men Type Body Oils Be Delicious for…

Monday Motivation Impossible

By Delores AAS, BS, MSc

Relax More Stress Less Shop More… “Know that nothing is impossible if you believe, because the separation of the word reads: “I-M” POSSIBLE.. and you can do more than what you THINK.” ‪#‎inspiration‬ ‪#‎mondaymotivation‬ ‪#‎perfumeoil‬…

Monday Motivation Try Something New

By Delores AAS, BS, MSc

My ‪#‎MondayMotivation‬ is to Try something new. Find anything that will make you smile. Go back to your fragrance closet and pull out your favorite signature scent that only you know that when you wear…

Beat the Monday Morning Blues

By Delores AAS, BS, MSc

If starting the work week off triggers overwhelming feelings of anxiety, stress, or sadness. You may have a case of the Monday Morning Blues. Here is a way to wake up and surround yourself with…